Sataccsoft private limited is a multi- disciplinary organisation established with a view to cater the needs of Individuals, Companies and all business establishments with a wide array of services. Our expertise lies in a thorough understanding of the legal system, and offering services that complement the requirements within the regulatory, compliance and tax environment in India
Starting a business or establishing a system in place requires a lot of efficiency and knowledge. We serve the business needs of clients of all sizes, in various sectors. Our multi-faceted practice with an extensive experience helps us to understand the needs of the clients across industries and we provide a customized solutions and services to match each client's needs in the most efficient & cost-effective way.
Share certificate printing application
Integrated application used to create share certificates in an efficient and faster way. Just fill in the company details and share details to print the SHARE CERTIFICATE We can also import data directly from excel sheets by using IMPORT option in application and we can print the SHARE CERTIFICATEimmediately. Details are stored in database, so we can edit and update incorrect details and we can make copies easier and faster.
Vensof is a feature rich and powerful business accounting software . Vensof helps you to manage all most all of your accounting things like inventory, sales, purchase, payroll, book keeping and other statutory year end processes in a simple and efficient way. The key feature is Inventory Management is integrated seamlessly into the system which reduces duplication and helps you save time. It is suitable for Small, Medium and large scale businesses.
Inventory Management Software
Integrated application used to create Stock management in an efficient and faster way. Just fill in the company details and stock details to maintain all inflow (Purchase) and outflow (Sales) to Inventory Management Software. Reports are Balance Stock, Scrapped Stock, Single and Multiple Sales, Purchase of Stock name, HSNCode, Party Master Records. Details are stored in database, so we can edit and update incorrect details and we can make copies easier and faster.